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from Gerd Kostrzewa


Citizens of the World, Navigating the Labyrinth of Special Tax Regimes
24th Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference, April 2024, Munich
Transfer of a Business at the Time of Death
STEP Benelux, March 2024, Amsterdam


Best Practice for Israeli Investments into the EU
STEP Israel, June 2023


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: DAC 6
STEP Israel, September 2022
Dealing with a sudden international crisis
27th Annual International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, June 2022


Virtual 21st Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference
ABA, Webinar, March 2021
Living a Double Life in Germany and the U.S. – The Inbond Session
German American Business Association Southern California, Webinar, February 17, 2021
Living a Double Life in Germany and the U.S. – The Outbond Session
German American Business Association Southern California, Webinar, February 3, 2021


Pandemic realities: Implications for tax-residence of individuals, trusts and corporations
STEP, USA, Webinar, December, 2020
How Germany, the UK and the US Target and Audit High Net Worth Individuals
STEP USA, Webinar, December, 2020
Cross-Border US/Europe Tax Planning
US/UK Tax Planning: Digital Week, Webinar, October 2020
The Use of Foundations and Trusts in Private Wealth Succession Planning Can Civil and Common Law Vehicles Co-Exist?
STEP USA, Webinar, September 2020
What private wealth professionals should know about international tax transparency
ABA/IBA/IFA Webinar, June 2020
The endless development of disclosure: a review of DAC 6 and similar systems around the world
25th International Private Client Conference, London, March 2020
The digital estate – not only relevant for millenials
STEP Europe Conference, Vienna, February 2020
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Inheriting problematic structures: common tax issues for Heirs/Beneficiaries and pre-death restructuring possibilities
19th Annual U.S. and Europe Tax Practice Trends Conference, Paris, April 2019
STEP Webinar
Cross-Border German/US Tax Planning STEP Webinar, March 2019


Exit tax – I am leaving the country and only for this reason should I pay capital gain taxes. What are you talking about?
23rd Annual International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2018
Tax Regularisation in 2018
Swiss & Liechtenstein STEP Federation Alpine Conference, Interlaken, February 2018


German tax rules regarding tax-avoidance, base erosion, profit shifting and transparency as blueprint for other jurisdictions?
STEP Israel Annual Conference, Tel Aviv, June 2017
Cross-Border Planning: United States and Germany
STEP Chicago Meeting April 19, 2017  
Personal security in a dangerous world
22nd Annual International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2017


Adapter Plugs for Trusts and Foundations
STEP New York Conference, New York, September 2016
Structuring German Real Estate Investments for Israeli Investors - Dos and Don’ts on Europe’s hottest real estate market
STEP Israel Annual Conference, Tel Aviv, June 2016
Double, double, toil and trouble – recent and upcoming challenges for private client advisors
21st IBA International Wealth Transfer Conference, London, March 2016 
Russians Abroad – Moving to Germany
Russian Wealth Advisors’ Forum, Zurich, February 2016


Trusts and foundations: Fitting square pegs into round holes – A U.S. and German perspective
STEP Wyoming Trust Conference 2015, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, September 2015
Planning Strategies for the Lives & Taxes of the Mobile Working Rich
15. ABA Annual Tax Planning Strategies Conference, Munich, April 2015
Trusts and foundations - just the same only different
20. IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Law Conference, London, March 2015


Migration of settlors and beneficiaries of trusts and foundations: common law vs civil law jurisdictions
AIJA/IBA Seminar on Foundations and Trusts in International Estate Planning, Berlin, June 2014
Swiss taxpayers with connections to Germany
Tagung zum Internationalen Steuerrecht 2014, Zurich, April 2014
A smorgasbord of cold truth and hot topics – Latest legal changes relevant to private clients
19th IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2014


Protecting the business for and from the next generation
IBA Annual Conference, Boston, October 2013
How to deal with those difficult assets
18th IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2013


EU Principles that might save your private clients. The German perspective
IBA Annual Conference, Dublin, October 2012
12 TIEAs later: Are things any clearer or at least more transparent?
Latest developments in voluntary disclosure and exchange of information, 17th IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2012


Regularisation of German Clients
German Clients & Swiss Bankers, Academy & Finance, Zurich, April 2011
The grass is always greener on the other side of the hedge - income taxation of executives, fund managers and other professionals
16th IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2011


Just What Do They Know? Exchange of Information between Tax Authorities
IBA Annual Conference, Vancouver, October 2010
Treaties: the good, the bad and the ugly
15th IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2010


A carrot, but not too sweet - compensating executives in the new economic environment
IBA Annual Conference, Madrid, October 2009
Residence - coming and going
14th IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2009


Anti-avoidance provisions - another great planning technique bites the dust
IBA Annual Conference, Buenos Aires, October 2008
Tax fraud/compliance - regularisation of non-compliant unreported structures / Selling the family business - international tax structures
13th IBA International Wealth Transfer Practice Conference, London, March 2008


Non-corporate tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions
IBA Annual Conference, Singapore, October 2007


Reporting requirements and voluntary disclosure
IBA Annual Conference, Chicago, September 2006

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