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Publications from Julia Kathrin Degen, LL.M.


Die Aufsichtsmitteilung von BaFin und DIHK vom 03. Juli 2023 – alle Fragen geklärt?
VersicherungsPraxis, Issue 9/2023,
together with Martin Karwatzki, LL.M.


Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745 (MDR)
The authorisedrepresentative – a new target for claims arising out of defective devices placed on EEC in PHi 2018, 112  


Liabilty of notified bodies in case a medical device does not comply with Directive 93/42 (EU Court of Justice on PIP breast implant scandal) in VersR 2017
Liabilty of notified bodies in case a medical device does not comply with Directive 93/42 (EU Court of Justice on PIP breast implant scandal) in VersR 2017, 496

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