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Publications from Dr. Cem Karaosmanoğlu



Legal requirements for a new attempt to ratify the UPC Agreement – How can it still be saved in spite of Brexit and the Federal Constitutional Court decision?
May 15, 2020, Bulletin of the German patent attorneys, together with Miran A. Aymaz,
together with Dr. Anton Horn


The rejection of German laws that are in violation of European Union law – Constitutional demand for an encompassing exclusive rejection monopoly of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany
(German), Nomos, 2017
No Prohibition of the NPD: Party Ban – All or Nothing?
(German), DVBl. 2017, S. 375-378 (with Dr. Björn P. Ebert)


Individual case-related protection of fundamental rights against EU acts – abandoning the Solange ruling?
(German), DVBl. 2016, S. 875-881 (with Dr. Björn P. Ebert)

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