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Publications from Dominik Eickemeier


AI Act: Preliminary result of the trilogue negotiations leaked
Update IP, Media & Technology No. 90 & Update Data Protection No. 168,
together with Dr. Hans Markus Wulf


Der Schlüssel zur Macht
Harald Czycholl, In-house Counsel, Issue 3/2023


New Deal for Consumers – was sich dieses Jahr im Verbraucherrecht ändert
Update IP, Media & Technology No. 62
Die Novelle der Preisangabenverordnung: Neue Informationspflichten bei der Werbung mit Preisermäßigungen
Update IP, Media & Technology No. 61


BGH-Urteil: Zur Löschung von Beiträgen und Sperrung von Nutzerkonten durch Facebook bei Hassreden
Update IP, Media & Technology No. 49
Der goldene Farbton des „Lindt-Schokoladenhasen“ genießt Markenschutz
Update IP, Media & Technology No. 48
Zur Verantwortlichkeit von Video-Sharing-Plattformen für Rechtsverletzungen Dritter
Update IP, Media & Technology No. 46
Neues Schuldrecht für digitale Produkte – Viele Verträge müssen angepasst werden
Update IP, Media & Technology No. 43
Der neue Gesetzesentwurf zur Stärkung des Verbraucherschutzes im Wettbewerbs- und Gewerberecht
Update IP, Media & Technology, No. 32


Rechtliche Risiken bei Nutzung internationaler Cloud-Anbieter
gridscale, 2020


Gesetz gegen missbräuliche Abmahnungen
Newsletter Update IP, No. 15
Markeninhaber kann Verwendung seiner Marken für Rabattgutscheine nicht untersagen
Newsletter Update IP, No. 14
Neues zur Novellierung des Markengesetzes – Chancen für den E-Commerce
Kommunikation & Recht – 22nd vintage, April 2019
Einigung über Reform des digitalen Urheberrechts
Newsletter Update IP, No. 12
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 2/2019  


Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 6/2018, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Ist das Kunst, oder kann das weg?
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,  October 31, 2018
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 5/2018, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 4/2018, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Neue Entwicklungen im deutschen Markenrecht - Die anstehenden Änderungen nach dem Entwurf des Markenrechtsmodernisierungsgesetzes
Update IP No. 7,  June 7, 2018
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 3/2018, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 2/2018, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 1/2018, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann 
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Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 6/2017, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann 
OLG Hamm: Free distribution of software under GNU by the university
Computer und Recht: IT and Software, Edition 12/2017
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 5/2017, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 4/2017, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
IT procurement projects: particular problems - Part III (in German)
in: der ITRB - IT-Rechtsberater (Heft 7/2017), by Dr. Thomas Fischer, Patrick Bartels, 
No rescue from the recall duty (in German)
IPRB – IP Rechtsberater, by Dominik Eickemeier and Peter Fries
IT procurement projects: particular problems - Part II (in German)
in: ITRB - IT-Rechtsberater (Edition 6/2017), by Dr. Thomas Fischer, Thorsten Schulz, Patrick Bartels
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 3/2017, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 2/2017, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Keine Rettung vor der Rückrufpflicht
IP-RB 2017, 132 pp.  
IT procurement projects: particular problems - Part I (in German)
in: ITRB - IT-Rechtsberater (Edition 5/2017), by Dr.Thomas Fischer, Thorsten Schulz, Patrick Bartels
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 1/2017, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
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Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 6/2016, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 5/2016, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 4/2016 together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
AfP, Edition 3/2016, together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann


Open Source Provisions in Software Project Agreements (in German)
ITRB 11/2015, p. 266ff.
Shitstorm & Native Advertising – what’s the word for 2015?
Swedish Marketing Manager’s magazine (2015-1),  April 17, 2015
Complaints based on infringed open source licenses: Open source due diligence and license management create legal certainty (in German)
Client-Information Open Source-License-Management & Open Source-Due Diligence, January 27, 2015,
together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler


Copyrights and software – New technologies, internet, piracy and plagiarism, industry transformations (in German)
in Edition 41 "Practical aspects in intellectual property" in the series of DACH papers, 2013
Category “View to Brussels” (in German)
in AfP, Otto Schmidt Verlag (continued since issue 5/2013), together with Dr. Ruben A. Hofmann
Germany: Keyword advertising is back (or still there)! Recent developments in Europe and Germany
GALA Gazette Online 5/2013


Employee invention law (in German)
(Author), in: Hümmerich/Spirolke (Editors), The labor law case, since 2nd edition 2003, currently: 6th edition 2012


Current jurisdiction in software law and database copyright law (in German)
kSzW 04/2010, p. 272


Copyright protection of fair market value opinions (in German)
comment on the decision of the district court, Az. 308 O 580/08, in immobilien & bewerten 2009, 102
The Act on Access to Digital Geodata (in German)
in immobilien & bewerten 2009, 120
The extraction of substantial parts of a database within the meaning of the Database Directive (in German)
GRUR 2009, 578, comment on EuGH, C-545/07, Apis/Lakorda


Revised Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works
Commentary, in World Intellectual Property - Rights and Remedies, Oceana Publications, 2008
Advertising bans for publicly appointed surveying engineers (in German)
in immobilien & bewerten 2008, p. 71, together with Simon Walkenbach


Management task intellectual property: successfully protect ideas (in German)
Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt/Main, 2006
Expert opinions and law (in German)
in WFA 2006, 3


Look well before you leap - of brands and company names (in German)
in Gruber/Henkel/Witzler, Start-up management, Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, F.A.Z. Institut, 2002


Trademark law and advertising in the electronic business world (in German)
(Co-Author), Gora/Mann (Editors), Handbook Electronic Commerce, Springer Verlag, 2. Edition 2001


The Economics of League Football
Co-Author of Sports Review 1997

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