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Publications from Dr. H. Erdem Şişmangil, LL.M.


Aggravated Borrowing Conditions for Turkish Borrowers
Update Turkey Desk, March 2018,
together with Dr. Ali Sahin


The New Law on Pledge over Movable Assets Published
Update Turkey Desk, November 2016,
together with Dr. Ali Sahin


Creditor Protection in Private Equity-Backed Leveraged Buyout and Recapitalisation Practices: A Comparative Analysis of Company and Insolvency Law Mechanisms in England, Germany and Turkey
Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2014, 463 pages
Turkey’s Critical Step: Prohibiting Foreign Revolving Loans
Loan Market Association, November 2014
Regulators clamp down on e-money and e-payment providers
Baker & McKenzie EMEA Legal Insights Bulletin, Volume 26 No. 3, October 2014


Handelsrecht – Türkei nimmt sich Deutschland zum Vorbild
Platow Recht Online, January 3, 2012

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