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Publications from Dr. Karolina Badura


Neuregelung zum deutschen NPL-Markt – Kreditzweitmarktgesetz in Kraft seit 30. Dezember 2023
Restructuring Update 01/2024 und Banking & Finance Update 01/2024,
together with Dr. Arnold Büssemaker, Licencié en droit, Michael Neises, Christian Staps


The Secondary Credit Market Act – a new regulation for the German NPL market (effective from 30 December 2023)
Update Restrukturierung 02/2023 & Update Banking & Finance 01/2023,
together with Dr. Arnold Büssemaker, Licencié en droit, Michael Neises, Christian Staps


Board-Level Co-Determination in a Comparison of German and Polish Law – A Comparative Analysis of the German and Polish System of Board-Level Employee Involvement Doctoral Thesis
Duncker & Humblot, 2021, 804 pages                                                                     

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