The world of media has changed fundamentally. Convergence is no longer simply a buzzword at conferences, but an everyday challenge for the media industry and creative professionals. Ever more new content distribution methods have been launched in recent years, and users have changed their consumption accordingly. Broadcasting services are no longer accessed in a linear fashion, but on demand, particularly by younger users.
Increasingly, publishing houses no longer see their web presence as an alternative, but as a supplement to print publications with additional communication and research options. Communication via online platforms and social media leads to new challenges in drawing the line between the expression of opinions and journalism, between commercial activity and private action.
This is aided by various forms of customer targeting, such as in direct marketing through programmatic advertising or in social media offerings. As part of the IP, Media & Technology practice group, we focus on advising in Media & Entertainment to be able to advise our clients in a solution-oriented and goal-oriented manner.
What rights do you need to secure as a provider or platform user? What regulatory requirements do you have to observe when offering a service or hosting a program? Are you allowed to exclude the resale of eBooks or audiobooks? What are you allowed to link or even use yourself for own purposes?
The change in media has given rise to new legal issues in recent years that participants in online exchanges are increasingly dealing with. A large number of these new issues relate to the “classic” right of expression, which is associated with media and copyright law. This frequently results in problems under competition and trademark law, as well as the need for compliance with data protection requirements, which require particular legal advice.
In addition, our lawyers have in-depth experience in defending reputational damage caused by social media and platforms, frequently due to “fake news” or “hate speech.” We assist you in defending your reputation on the Internet and in navigating the media and entertainment space.
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