Immigration Law

We support you in enforcing your rights and answer questions about German immigration and residence law. We also advise on secondment, e.g. on social security issues ( A1 certificates).

We advise you on aliens and residence law

Immigration law generally governs the entry and residence of persons who do not possess German citizenship. Our advice focuses on labor migration, i.e., when foreigners enter the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany with the intent to take up and pursue employment and to reside in the country. We aim to find the best possible residence permit for the individual client. We also offer comprehensive advice subsequently, from compiling the documents required for the respective application to register with the responsible foreigners authority after arrival in Germany.

We further advise both the individual and the (potential) employer on other practical questions that may arise during already existing stays for employment (such as changes of work). Issues relating to labor law, social security law, and tax implications will of course be considered as well.

    Publications (selection)

    • Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz 2.0 - echte Erleichterungen oder nur gute Absichten?, GmbHR 2024, Heft 10, R148-149 von Torsten Groß, LL.M. (University of Westminster)
    • Beschäftigung von ukrainischen Flüchtlingen, BetriebsBerater, Jul 2022, by Torsten Groß, LL.M. (University of Westminster)
    • The effects of "Brexit" on work-related migration to Germany, article, by Regina Glaser, LL.M. (Suffolk University) and Torsten Groß, LL.M. (University of Westminster)
    • Das neue Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz – Eine Chance für deutsche Arbeitgeber, GmbHR, 17, 2019, by Torsten Groß, LL.M. (London)
    • Effects of a no-deal Brexit for UK Employees in Germany,  Update Employment Law, September 2019
    • The new German Skilled Worker Immigration Act (Fachkräfteeinwandungsgesetz; FEG), Update Employment Law, June 2019

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