
Getting off to a legally compliant start: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek provides information to business founders in the “Recht Klar und Sicher” series of digital lectures

As part of Düsseldorf Start-up Week 2020, experts from Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek will give lectures on September 16 on the topics of corporate law, tax law, e-commerce and data protection, and IP/IT. The lectures, all of which will be held digitally this year, assist founders in starting their own businesses.
Young entrepreneurs are confronted with a variety of questions when starting their businesses: In which legal form should I be operating? What do I have to consider prior to taking my website online? How can tax traps be avoided? How can I protect my ideas? In four online workshops, the lawyers of Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek will offer tips to attendees on online presence and data protection, on selecting the appropriate legal form, on the protection of idea, and on taxes.
“We intend to support the attendees of Start-up Week in establishing their businesses. Our online workshops will answer their questions and offer suggestions for solutions,” said lawyer Dr. Kirsten Thiergart, who is assisting with Start-up Week for the fifth time now.
In addition, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek is a partner of STARTPLATZ Düsseldorf and is available for questions of and free advice to young entrepreneurs and advanced start-ups on each first and third Wednesday of a month at the STARTPLATZ offices.

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