
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek provides consulting for software provider PACE GmbH on growth financing

Lead Investor eCAPITAL, SET and VC Fonds Berlin invest three million Euros in innovative IT technology

PACE has successfully completed a financing round with existing and new investors. Led by eCAPITAL, the Dutch Strategic European Technologies N.V. (SET) and VC Fonds Berlin are providing funds in the amount of three million Euros. The inflow of capital will accelerate the expansion of global sales and the company’s move into vertical markets.

PACE is one of the leading providers of knowledge-based engineering software. The main scope of work here is the development of knowledge-based software solutions for the aviation and automotive industries. Customers include market leaders such as Airbus, Rolls-Royce, Bombardier and Embraer, for whom the integration of product knowledge within product lifecycle management (PLM) is a key success factor. In addition to continuing the PACE product lines for aircraft cabin configuration and flight performance analysis, the main focus of the Berlin company is on global marketing of the Pacelab Suite, an integrated software environment for supporting the preliminary design of complex technical products.

Dr. Heinz Bohlen, lawyer and partner from the Berlin office of Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek provided consulting for PACE.

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