
Advising ESTAVIS AG on capital measures

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek legally advised ESTAVIS AG on an additional cash and in-kind capital increase. For the cash capital increase, around 1.3 million shares at a price of EUR 1.80 per share will be placed with selected investors in exclusion of the subscription right of the share-holders. The company's pro-ceeds from the issue will be EUR 2,325,000.00.

Additionally, a real estate portfolio is to be acquired as an in-kind capital increase. About 2 million shares will be issued for the acquisition of 94 percent of the portfolio by trans-ferring a limited partnership interest. The capital measures will be carried out in addition to the company's previously announced capital measures and serve the further expansion of operational business.

ESTAVIS AG, headquartered in Berlin, is a publicly traded real estate company special-izing in residential real estate in Germany. The company is listed on Frankfurt Stock Ex-change's Prime Standard (German securities code WKN A0KFKB). Its business activities concentrate on the strategic development and management of a cash flow positive real estate portfolio. In addition, wholly-owned subsidiary Accentro GmbH specializes in marketing its own residential real estate portfolio and in privatization services for other large real estate companies.

ESTAVIS AG has been advised by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek on a regular basis since 2007, including on a convertible bond issue in 2013.

Responsible for the project
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:

Dr. Thorsten Kuthe,
Madeleine Zipperle (both Capital Market Law), both Cologne
Dr. Karl-Josef Stöhr,
Christoph Wagner (both Real Estate Law), both Berlin

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