
Heuking Patent Summer School

Heuking Patent Summer School in Düsseldorf launched in August 2018. Interactive lessons, case studies, lectures by international experts, excursions to Munich and Brussels, and the attendance of court hearings offer a widely varied program.
Heuking Patent Summer School has quickly become a recognized institution. Our guests include experienced and upcoming patent experts from all over the world. In small groups, we are learning a lot about various aspects of German, European, and international patent law.
Participation is free and accommodation will be provided. While German language skills are not necessary, a good command of the English language is required.
Participation is limited. Between November and February, applications may be emailed to patent(at)heuking.de (cover letter, resume, copies of relevant certificates). Potential attendees will be selected by the end of March.

Details on the Heuking Patent Summer School 2019 are summarized in the following information sheet.

Heuking Patent Summer School 2019: Participants confirmed!

Heuking Patent Summer School 2019 – Apply now!

Heuking Patent Summer School has started

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