Multipurpose vessels Scharhörn and Mellum
The Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) is the senior engineering and scientific agency for the federal waterways as a division of the Federal Ministry of Transport. It supports the Federal Waterway and Shipping Administration (WSV) in procuring replacements for the multi-purpose vessels Scharhörn and Mellum.
The multidisciplinary multi-purpose vessels will operate in the North Sea for offshore cruising in the area A 3 for combating pollution incidents, towing in cases of maritime emergencies, using hydroacoustic systems, fighting ship fires, assisting injured individuals at sea, handling navigation marks, and performing maritime police duties.
Our services
We have been advising the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute comprehensively on the awarding of public contracts since 2007.
For the offices in Karlsruhe and Hamburg, we have been organizing complete procurement procedures since 2011 via the federal "eProcurement" platform of various services in the areas of engineering, shipbuilding, public relations, IT equipment, and various supply services on behalf of BAW.
Responsible for the project
Dr. Ute Jasper
Dr. Christopher Marx
Reinhard Böhle, LL.M., Düsseldorf