Hamburg International Arbitration Days

Recent Experiences in East Asian Related Commercial Arbitration
As a side event of the Hamburg International Arbitration Days, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek cordially invites you to meet arbitration practitioners to discuss recent experiences in East Asian Related Commercial Arbitration.
The trade relationship between East Asian countries and Europe remains of crucial importance for respective economies. Hamburg as “the gateway to the world” has many liens to East Asian countries. Inter alia, Hamburg is the seat of the Chinese European Arbitration Center (CEAC).
- Address by Consul Meixia Liang from the Chinese Consulate-General in Hamburg
- Impact of State Secrets Legislation in China on arbitration proceedings, Dr. Björn Etgen, Graf von Westphalen
- Particularities and recent developments in Japan, Hironaga Kaneko, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
- Recent experiences in East Asia, Bart Kasteleijn, legal consultant, Amsterdam
- Discussion moderated by Dr. Elke Umbeck and Dr. Jonas Pust, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Date & Location
Monday, March 27, 2023, 13:30 to 15:00 (CET)
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek | Neuer Wall 63, 20354 Hamburg
Lunch will be served at 12.30 (CET).
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our side event at the office of Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek and connecting with you during the course of the week!
Please register under t.breckenkamp(at)
For more information about Hamburg International Arbitration Days please visit the following link.