Digital Transformation

The working world is particularly affected by the digital transformation. New technologies are taking hold and work is becoming ever more networked, more digital, and more flexible. It is not only task profiles that are changing, but also processes and even job profiles. In addition to using new software applications, profound changes in organizational and management structures are therefore frequently necessary. The issues of employee data protection, working time, and the use of big data are particularly relevant in our advisory work.

Digital work world

The working world is changing quickly. We advice you on topics like Employee data protection, Working time issues and the use of Big Data.

Practice Group Employment

Employee data protection

The use of new technologies frequently also means deeper insight into internal business processes and thus the individual activities of employees. Although this usually leads to optimized processes and cost reduction, it must also be assessed with respect to employees’ personal rights. We examine the effects of the use of new technologies for our clients and create the necessary conditions for legally compliant processing. Where necessary, we coordinate with the supervisory authorities to achieve further legal certainty.

Working time issues

Home and mobile office are blurring the boundaries between work and private life. Legal requirements must also be taken into account, especially those relating to data protection and the Working Hours Act. There is a risk of sanctions from the supervisory authorities if the maximum permissible working hours are exceeded. We develop data protection and working time concepts for our clients to meet all statutory requirements even in the event of subsequent audits.

Algorithm-based application process

The application process is increasingly automated with the help of algorithm-based systems to make better and faster decisions. In addition to the associated collection, processing, and storage of personal data, which touches on issues of data protection law, the use of such technical optimization procedures gives rise to the risk of violating the General Equal Treatment Act because the application with its selection methods often indirectly ties in with inadmissible criteria or prejudice. In addition, a risk of incorrect weighting is given. On behalf of our clients, we review the use of software algorithms in the application process and the associated processes for compatibility with requirements under data protection law and employment law, in particular compliance with the General Equal Treatment Act.

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