Salaried Partner

Dr. Björn Grotebrune

German, English
Consulting focuses
  • Insolvency Law
  • Reorganization
  • Bank Insolvency Law
  • Insolvency rescission
  • Litigation


  • Admitted to the Bar since 2014
  • Education and former activities
  • Lawyer at Noerr PartGmbB 2014-2024
  • Doctorate (phd) under Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Gottwald, former holder of the Chair of Civil Law, Procedural Law and International Private Law, University of Regensburg; Dr. jur. 2018
  • Research assistant at the Chair of Civil and Corporate Law, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Servatius, University of Regensburg 2013-2014
  • Legal clerkship in the district of the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court 2010-2012
  • Law studies at the University of Regensburg 2004-2010


  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV)



Strafrecht in Krise und Insolvenz
C.H. Beck, Pelz/Grotebrune, 3rd edition 2022


Anforderungen an die Einordnung einer Bank als gesellschaftergleicher Dritter im Rahmen von § 135 InsO bei doppelseitigen Treuhandverhältnissen
Der Betrieb 2020, pp. 2562-2568

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