
Dr. Ruben Schneider

German, English, French
Consulting focuses
  • Data Protection Law
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Cyber Security
  • Internet Law
  • IT-Outsourcing Tech-driven transactions
  • Telecommunications Law


  • Admitted to the Bar since 2023
  • Education and former activities
  • Specialist lawyer training course in information technology law 2023
  • Cologne Higher Regional Court, legal clerkship with stations including the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, DLA Piper UK LLP and Deutsche Telekom AG 2021-2023
  • University of Bonn, doctorate in data protection law 2021
  • University of Bonn, research assistant at the Chair of Civil Law, Information and Data Law with Prof. Dr. Louisa Specht-Riemenschneider 2019-2021
  • Osborne Clarke, Cologne, research assistant in IT and data protection law 2018-2019

  • University of Bonn, law studies with completion of the certificate course "IP / IT / Media Law" 2013-2019

Qualifications/current topics

Dr. Ruben Schneider is a lawyer in Cologne. He advises clients on all aspects of IT and data law. He received his doctorate from the University of Bonn in 2021 with a dissertation on data protection law. During his studies and legal clerkship, he worked for several international commercial law firms in the field of IT and data protection law, for the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, and for the group data protection officer of a leading international telecommunications company. He publishes regularly, among others as co-editor of the textbook "Internet Law".


  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Research Center for Legal Issues of New Technologies and Data Law (ForTech e. V.)
  • Alumni network of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V. (DGRI)



Der „Dateninhaber“ im Data Act - faktische Datenherrschaft als Ausweg aus der Definitionsmisere des Art. 2 Nr. 13 DA
ITRB 2024, pp. 180-184,
together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler
TC-String ist ein personenbezogenes Datum
MMR 2024, pp. 390-397,
together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler
Branchenstandards für Datenschutz-Compliance in der Onlinewerbewirtschaft
ITRB 2024, pp. 71-75,
together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler
Bußgeldhaftung für Auftragsverarbeiter
ZD 2024, 209-216
Achtung Online-Marketer: Neues EuGH-Urteil zum IAB TCF
Data Protection Update No. 174, March 20, 2024,
together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler
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Fee Reduction for Failure to Connect to the Telematics Infrastructure
ZD 2023, 171-175
IT-Sicherheit nach den „berechtigten Sicherheitserwartungen des Verkehrs“ - Anforderungen an die Absicherung geschäftlichen E-Mail-Verkehrs nach OLG Karlsruhe, Urt. v. 27.7.2023 - 19 U 83/22
CR 2023, 787-792,
together with Manuel Poncza, Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler


Law competition between the Right of Expression and Data Protection Law
Handbook of public-law statements, Conrad/Grünewald/Kalscheuer/Milker (eds.), Munich, 2022
Online Radio Recorders in Copyright Law
JURA 2022, 948-954
Eligibility in Data Protection Tort Law - Derivation of a Comprehensive Entitlement to Claim for Art. 82(1) GDPR
ZD 2022, 321-326
International Jurisdiction and Choice of Court Agreements in the GDPR – Art. 79(2) GDPR as a Basic Building Block of Data Protection Litigation
ZD 2022, 144-148



Addressees of data protection law
Guest lecture, University of Bonn, 2024


Data Acts: Nach der Datenflut die Datenrechtsflut? GXFS-Roundtable: Die Datenwirtschaft – Turbo für die Realwirtschaft?
Deutsche Medienakademie, Blockchain Reallabor, December 15, 2023, Hürth
Zulassung und Haftung beim zukünftigen Autofahren: Zuviel noch offen?
Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme, „Future Car: Weniger Antriebs-, mehr Digitale Komplexität – Ein Erfolgsrezept?", August 30, 2023, Duisburg, together with Dr. Lutz Martin Keppeler
Addressees of data protection law
Guest lecture, University of Bonn, 2023


Addressees of data protection law
Guest lecture, University of Bonn , 2022


Addressees of data protection law
Guest lecture, University of Bonn, 2021
Introduction to IT Law
Block seminar, University of Bonn, 2021
Joint Controllership – Paradigm Shift in Data Protection Law?
Bayreuth Talks for Consumer Law, 2021


Introduction to IT Law
Block seminar, University of Bonn, 2020


Joint Controllership – Legal Problems of Art. 26 GDPR
Bonn Dialogues on Data and Privacy Law, 2019
Introduction to IT Law
Block seminar, University of Bonn, 2019

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