
WirtschaftsWoche: HEUKING again TOP in copyright and patent law 2024

In the current issue of WirtschaftsWoche, HEUKING has been recognized as a top law firm in the areas of copyright and patent law. Dr. Andreas Schabenberger from Stuttgart is listed in the ranking as one of the most renowned lawyers for copyright law, while Düsseldorf partner Dr. Anton Horn is listed as one of the most renowned patent lawyers.

On behalf of WirtschaftsWoche, the Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) surveyed around 1,900 lawyers from 243 law firms about their most renowned colleagues in patent, copyright and product liability law. In the field of copyright law, 16 law firms and 20 lawyers were awarded, and in patent law, 41 lawyers from 22 law firms prevailed.

Copyright law and patent law are anchored in HEUKING's "IP, Media & Technology" practice group. Around 60 lawyers in the practice group advise their clients in the areas of intellectual property law, competition, media and IT law. The team is one of the largest such units among German law firms.

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