
WirtschaftsWoche: Heuking is a top law firm in the field of arbitration and foreign trade law

In its current issue, WirtschaftsWoche has recognized the commercial law firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek as one of the top law firms in the areas of arbitration and foreign trade law and highlights Dr. Elke Umbeck and Dr. Jonas Pust as top lawyers.

For the rankings, the Handelsblatt Research Institute surveyed more than 1,200 lawyers from 110 law firms about their most renowned colleagues in arbitration and foreign trade law. In the proceedings, 32 law firms with 49 lawyers prevailed in arbitration proceedings and nine law firms with twelve lawyers in the field of foreign trade law.

The Litigation & Arbitration practice group at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek includes more than 90 members from various offices of the firm. The practice group is headed by Dr. Elke Umbeck, Daniel Froesch, Dr. Thomas Wambach and Dr. Christian Strasser. Heuking's litigation/arbitration experts have many years of experience in the field of litigation before state courts, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. An overview of all practice group members can be found here.

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