
District government of Cologne, supported by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, concludes award procedures for refugee housing

In order to ensure future care for and security of refugees even in urgent cases, while complying both with the required quality standards and the requirements of public procurement law, the district government of Cologne, supported by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, invited bids for multi-partner framework contracts that allow use of the services, even ad hoc.
The Cologne-based team, consisting of Ulf Christiani, Susanne C. Monsig, and Dr. Isabel Langenbach, developed the contract model with the Cologne district government and accompanied the award procedures to conclude framework agreements on the care of refugees and the provision of security services in refugee shelters.
The contract model is now to serve as a model for other district governments.
In the past year, numerous public contracting authorities have faced seemingly unsolvable challenges with regard to the issue of "public procurement law and refugees." It did not always seem possible to comply with public procurement law. The circular issued by the North-Rhine Westphalia regional government was also only of limited assistance, particularly as concerns invitations to bid above certain threshold values.

The press release of the Global Legal Chronicle is available here.
Counsel to district government of Cologne
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:

Ulf Christiani,
Susanne C. Monsig,
Dr. Isabel Langenbach, all Cologne

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