
JUVE Handbook Commercial Law Firms 2013/2014: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek ranks among the best law firms in Public Procurement Law

As last year, the Handbook "Commercial Law Firms 2013/2014" recently published by industry analyst JUVE ranks Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek's public procurement law practice no. 1 of the best law firms in Germany.
"It makes us very proud to maintain this ranking for the second year in a row. We owe this to a loyal client base built up over the years to which we continuously added new matters," commented Dr. Ute Jasper, Partner in public procurement law at commercial law firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek.

In the current Handbook, the JUVE editorial department emphasizes in particular the large experience of the Public Sector and Public Procurement Practice Group in the structuring of bids and in politically sensitive matters. Frequently recommended are above all partners Dr. Ute Jasper ("very pointed and purposeful demeanor," "extremely high level of experience," "highly visible," competitors), Dr. Daniela Hattenhauer, Ulf Christiani, Dr. Martin Schellenberg as well as lawyer Dr. Kristina Neven-Daroussis ("very convincing writs," competitors).
The annual JUVE Handbook evaluates commercial law firms with the editorial department interviewing hundreds of clients and lawyers and analyzing market and services.

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