Our specialist lawyers in the field of tax law and our tax consultants support their clients in all matters related to domestic and international tax law, in particular advising on fiscal structuring and defense strategies. Thanks to the closely interlinked expertise within our team, we offer tailor-made solutions from a single source with our legal advice.
![[Translate to English:]](/fileadmin/DATA/Images/Rechtsgebiete/steuerrecht.jpg)
The German tax system comprises more than 40 different types of taxes. The extensive laws, ordinances and regulations in tax law, therefore, represent complex challenges for companies and other enterprises, in particular if they operate in both the domestic as well as international markets.
Our tax-law team is made up of lawyers with additional qualifications in tax law, specialist lawyers for tax law, and tax consultants with extensive practical experience in all areas of tax law. They advise and represent not only renowned companies of various industries and sizes from Germany and abroad, but also private equity investors, high net worth individuals or non-profit organizations. The focus is always on first-class advice and the development of tax-efficient solutions. In this way, we safeguard business assets and the associated economic success.
Our service portfolio in tax law
Our law firm advises on the conception, structuring and implementation of M&A transactions and on corporate restructuring, as well as on public-private partnership projects, the establishment of foundations or on matters of criminal tax law. Our tax experts also have in-depth knowledge and experience in related legal areas, which is why we can provide interdisciplinary services in one person.
The main areas of practice include in particular
- Tax transaction advice: We work hand-in-hand with experts in the fields of corporate law, acquisition financing, M&A, real estate law, competition and anti-trust law, restructuring as well as investment funds, to provide our clients with efficient, economic and appropriate solutions for executing complex transactions. We also continue to support our clients after the "closing", for example in the integration of assets purchased into the acquiring company, or concerning the tax representation of the transaction (e.g. in a government tax audit).
- Company and group restructuring/financing: Many complex tax issues arise in national and cross-border company and group restructurings. Can taxable profit realization be avoided and if so, how? What needs to be taken into account in the deduction of operating expenses? What are the implications for real estate transfer tax or for fiscal unities? What is the ideal financial instrument for issuers and investors? How will the restructuring in question be classified for value added tax purposes? We have answers to these questions. We advise companies, investors and banks as well as shareholders in this context.
- Funds: Together with our colleagues from the investment funds practice area, we advise fund initiators, capital management companies and investors on, inter alia, the tax structuring of funds or the investment in existing funds, e.g., in the negotiation of side letters. We also assist domestic and foreign private equity, infrastructure and real estate funds with their investments.
- Succession planning, advising high net worth individuals: Our tax practice develops and implements tax-efficient succession concepts for corporate and private assets, in particular in a cross-border context. For this purpose, we also set up foundations or trusts in consultation with our clients. If non-profit issues arise in this context, these are fully covered by our advice. In addition, we advise on legal and tax matters in connection with the settlement and liquidation of (national and international) estates, including the conduct of court and out-of-court proceedings.
- Tax litigation: Tax law is becoming increasingly complex, resulting in more frequent disputes between companies and tax authorities, including protracted court proceedings. In order to avoid a dispute before a tax court in the first place, we strive to reach an agreement with the tax authorities beforehand. If court proceedings do get started because no agreement can be reached, we represent our clients comprehensively.
- Criminal tax law and tax compliance: Tax evasion or compliance violations are sensitive issues. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in suspected cases identified during government tax audits. In such cases, we provide comprehensive and preventive advice on criminal tax law, in order to avoid criminal tax proceedings wherever possible.
- Value added tax and indirect taxes: Value added tax is a matter of major importance for companies and other enterprises in their daily business. However, value added tax documentation can quickly lead to violations and thus to tax consequences on a very large scale. We counteract this by advising on the analysis of value added tax matters and optimized business processes.

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