
HEUKING reorganizes Legal Tech division: Simon Ahammer appointed Director of Legal Tech and Digitalization

Lawyer Simon Ahammer has been appointed Director of Legal Tech and Digitalization at business law firm HEUKING. The firm established its Legal Tech division five years ago, during which it developed its own award-winning Legal Tech tool, WhistleFox, in collaboration with the compliance law team. With the growing significance of Legal Tech products in the legal market, HEUKING has committed to further professionalizing and expanding this area. “This is why we have decided to significantly enhance our focus in this area,” said Dr. Johan Schneider, Managing Partner at HEUKING.

Simon Ahammer, 55, brings extensive experience in both national and international legal consulting. He joins HEUKING from Latham & Watkins, where he most recently served as Innovation and Technology Solutions Attorney. With over 20 years of experience as a lawyer admitted to the bar and substantial expertise in software development, Ahammer is well-positioned to lead HEUKING’s Legal Tech initiatives.

At HEUKING, Simon Ahammer will collaborate closely with Managing Partners Dr. Johan Schneider (Legal Tech, Knowledge Management & Business Processes) and Dr. Philip Kempermann (IT), as well as with Directors Mathias Espeloer (IT) and Juliane Diefenbach (Knowledge Management).

The Legal Tech team led by Simon Ahammer is set for further expansion in the near future.

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