
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek Provides Counsel to SeniVita Sozial on Bond Issue

As the first non-profit corporation, SeniVita Sozial gGmbH enters the equity market.

Dr. Thorsten Kuthe from the Cologne office of law firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised in matters of capital market law on the corporate bond issue, which aims to finance the corporation's further growth. SeniVita Sozial gGmbH is only the second corporation overall to use Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Entry Standard for the new issue.

SeniVita Sozial gGmbH is part of the SeniVita group and with sales in excess of EUR 30 million is the largest private carrier of facilities for senior citizens and the handicapped, children's health care and education in northern Bavaria. The need for care places, particularly in senior citizen care, will increase immensely in the years to come. For this reason, the proceeds from the issue are to enable both the expansion of existing facilities and the construction of a nursing home without the requirement for bank financing. At the same time, jobs for the region will be created.

The company, which in 2010 was recognized for the third time as one of the fastest growing in Bavaria, emphasizes that investors will benefit as well. "They will not only enjoy an attractive return but also a high level of security for their investment," said Dr. Horst Wiesent, founder and General Manager of SeniVita.

Counsel to SeniVita Sozial gGmbH: Dr. Thorsten Kuthe, Madeleine Zipperle, Dr. Annette Bruder, Dipl.- Kfm. Dr. Thorsten Leisbrock, Jochen Jungbluth

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