
Heuking webinar: Teleworking and Mobile Working – Challenges in terms of Employment Law

In cooperation with the Federal Association of Human Resources Managers (BPM), Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek hosted a webinar entitled “Teleworking and Mobile Working – Challenges in terms of Employment Law” on September 22. Dr. Arietta von Stechow and Dr. Johan-Michel Menke, LL.M., both Certified Employment Lawyers at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, provided some 100 attendees with an overview of the legal framework of those types of work.
Teleworking and mobile working has gained increasing importance for many companies and their employees, not least since the corona pandemic. Employers, HR managers, works council members, and employees alike are facing new challenges every day, such as: “What are the differences in the forms of work?,” “Will additional company agreements on working hours need to be concluded?,” “What other work, data and health protection measures are there?,” “Who is entitled to work at a home office?,” as well as issues relating to tax law and social security law.
In addition to the definitions, advantages, and risks of work at the home office or mobile office under employment law, attendees were given numerous practical examples and tips on design, introduction, and implementation. At the end of the two-hour webinar, the experts answered further questions from the attendees.

Would you also like to find out more about the legal framework for teleworking and mobile working? Talk to our experts. 

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