
Dr. Johan-Michel Menke, LL.M.

Certified Specialist Lawyer in Employment and Labor Law
German, English
Practice groups/Expertise
Consulting focuses
  • Employment Law | Labor Law
  • Insolvency Law
  • Capital Markets
  • Sports Law
  • Distribution Law


  • Certified Specialist Lawyer in Employment and Labor Law
  • Admitted to the bar 2007
  • Lecturer, St. John's University, New York
  • Lecturer in Sports Law, FernUniversität Hagen
  • Lecturer, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung
  • Lecturer, Bundesverband der Personalmanager e. V.
  • Lecturer, Dt. Anwaltsinstitut Bochum, Frankfurt, Munich
  • Born in Hamburg (Germany)1977
  • Education and former activities
  • Kliemt & Vollstädt, Certified Employment law specialists, Düsseldorf2007-2009
  • Legal clerkship with periods at Bird & Bird, Düsseldorf, and German Football League (DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH), Frankfurt / Main2005-2007
  • Granting of doctorate, University of Hamburg2005
  • Extension studies Sportslaw at Distance teaching university of Hagen2004
  • Law studies, University of Hamburg including study visit in Madrid1998-2003

Qualifications/Current topics

Dr. Johan-Michel Menke, LL.M., is a partner, lawyer and specialist lawyer for employment law. Dr. Menke advises national and international companies nationwide on all employment law issues. The focus of his work is on restructuring and corporate transactions (due diligence; Post Merger Integration). He also advises companies, in particular on staff reduction measures, especially in crises/insolvency, as well as in disputes and negotiations with works councils and trade unions.

In addition, Dr. Menke has been advising sports associations and clubs in professional team sports for many years.

Dr. Menke is also a proven author and speaker, for example in the areas of external personnel deployment and restructuring.

Dr. Johan-Michel Menke is recommended by Juve (2024/2025), Legal 500 (Germany/EMEA 2025) and Handelsblatt (2024) in the field of Employment Law. Best Lawyer (2025) recommends Dr. Menke in the field of "Labor and Employment Law". He was named "Top Lawyer Sports Law 2025" by WirtschaftsWoche (2025).


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  • Hamburger Verein für Arbeitsrecht e. V.
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Anglo-German Club e. V.

Dr. Johan-Michel Menke's Distinctions

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2024/2025

Leaders League 2024

Handelsblatt: Deutschlands Beste Anwälte 2024

Best Lawyers 2025

Selected references

  • Aquila Capital, advising on the strategic partnership with Daiwa Energy & Infrastructure
  • Availon, advising on the acquisition of the wind energy activities of Voith Industrial Services
  • Bader Group, support for the reorganisation
  • Buchmann Gesellschaft, comprehensive legal advice on the preparation and implementation of the sale
  • Deleplanque and SUET, joint acquisition of the German seed company Strube
  • Detlev Louis Motorrad-Vertriebsgesellschaft, support for upstream merger
  • German Football Association (DFB), Successful lawsuit before the Lower Saxony Regional Labour Court: Referees are self-employed
  • Dr. Dieter Murmann Beteiligungsgesellschaft, advising on the acquisition of the Profilator Group
  • EAB/Parcom Deutsche Private Equity, advising on the acquisition of assets of Rudolf Fritz GmbH & Co. KG
  • EAE Ewert Ahrensburg Electronic, restructuring successfully completed
  • Excelerate Energy, advising on energy law on the signing of an FRSU charter agreement with the German government
  • FLOWFRAME, successful acquisition of the Pfeifer Group with the help of legal advice from HEUKING
  • Friedrich Behrens AG, Advising on the sale of the business operations
  • FSV Zwickau, rescue by averting the opening of insolvency proceedings
  • Granville and Baird Capital, advising on the sale of breast prosthesis manufacturer Amoena
  • Hamburger Sport-Verein e. V., Advising the Supervisory Board
  • Hamburger Sport-Verein e. V., Advice on sports employment law
  • Hertha BSC, support of processes for the establishment of a staff committee
  • Hertha BSC, Representation at the Labour Court of Berlin
  • Hertha BSC, supported by HEUKING in the organizational realignment
  • Hertha BSC, advice on short-time work, quarantine and change of coach
  • HSV Fußball AG, advice on agreement with former coach Mirko Slomka
  • HSV Fußball AG, advising on employment law disputes with Mirko Slomka and former coaching team
  • Insolvency administrator Dr. Moritz Sponagel, employment law support for the business of Nordeon Lighting Solutions GmbH
  • Insolvency administrator Spiekermann, legal advice on the sale of the WHG Rahn business operations to Klima Becker Gruppe GmbH, which belongs to Peter Gross Bau Holding GmbH
  • Kontora, advising on the investment in the oncology research company Indivumed
  • Kroschke Group, advising on the acquisition of the business operations of the insolvent fish refiner Hagenah
  • LOTTO Hamburg, successful representation in the prevention of strike action
  • LOTTO Hamburg, with the support of HEUKING, concluded a comprehensive company collective agreement with ver.di
  • Lütze Group, comprehensive legal and tax advice on the sale to Amphenol Corporation
  • Mainz 05, decision in principle for fixed-term player contracts in team sports
  • Mainz 05, Successful appeal for 1. FSV Mainz 05 e. V. against Heinz Müller
  • Mainz 05, Advising 1. FSV Mainz 05 e. V. in the legal dispute against ex-goalkeeper Müller
  • Noske-Kaeser, advising on sale to French Engie Axima Group
  • Paracelsus Clinic Henstedt-Ulzburg, successful defense against a preliminary injunction of the Marburger Bund against the clinic
  • PREMIUM Equity Partners, advising on the acquisition of WEKA Group
  • QUNDIS GmbH, consolidation of the previous production sites at the new headquarters in Erfurt
  • Rheinmetall, legal advice on the acquisition of drone manufacturer EMT
  • Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, support for restructuring in self-administration
  • Schön Klinik SE, comprehensive legal advice on the acquisition of imland Kliniken
  • Schön Kliniken Rendsburg and Eckernförde, successful conclusion of the social plan negotiations
  • SOLID POWER, advising on the acquisition of the business of Ceramic Fuel Cells GmbH
  • Sysmex, advising the listed company on two transactions
  • University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, averting strike action




Anmerkung zu BAG v. 6.6.2023 – 9 AZR 383/19, Abberufung des Datenschutzbeauftragten wegen gleichzeitigen Betriebsratsvorsitzes
EWiR 2024, 59-60,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow


Lieber die Pleite präventiv verhindern
FAZ, October 12, 2023
Marius Gersbeck erhält eine zweite Chance
Hertha, October 2, 2023
Nach Lizenzentzug Entscheidet Ingo Lenßen über Tigers-Schicksal?
Frankenpost, July 10, 2023
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Deutscher Anwaltverlag und Institut der Anwaltschaft GmbH, 2. Auflage 2023


Nachweispflicht - Arbeitsverträge werden komplexer
CHECKPOINT – Das Magazin des Bundesverbandes mittelständischer Sicherheitsunternehmen Ausgabe 06 | 2022, S. 6 ff.,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow
Keine Eini­gung zwi­schen Hertha und Tor­wart
LTO Legal Tribune Online,  November 2, 2022
Chambers Employment Guide 2022: Law and Practice
Chambers Contributing Editor 2022, September 2022,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow, Monique Sandidge
Bekenntnis zur Nachhaltigkeit
Penny DEL, September 12, 2022
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Grenzen der Mitbestimmung bei der personellen Ausstattung
Der Betrieb 2021, 620 ff.
Chambers Employment Guide 2021: Law and Practice
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together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow, Monique Sandidge
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together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow
Ausschluss der Kündigung gemäß § 627 BGB in Model-Agenturverträgen
Update Employment Law June 2021,
together with Timo Daniel Trefzger
Beck’sches Formularbuch Sportrecht
Co-author Chapter „Arbeitsverhältnisse, Lizenzspielerverträge und Sportlerberatung“ (together with Englisch), Ed.: Schimke, Edition 1, 2021
Unternehmenssanierung und Betriebsfortführung
Co-author Chapter „Arbeitsrecht im eröffneten Verfahren“, Ed.: Bieg/Borchardt/Frind, Edition 1, 2021
Salary Cap - "Ich bin da pessimistisch"
kicker Sportmagazin 22. February 2021, kicker Business, pp. 88
BAG: Keine Haftung des Unternehmenskäufers für vorinsolvenzliche Betriebsrentenansprüche
Update Restructuring 03/2021,
together with Dr. Johan Schneider, David Loszynski, Prof. Dr. Georg Streit, Dr. Stefan Proske
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Chambers Employment Guide 2020: Law and Practice
Chambers Contributing Editor 2020, September 2020,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow, Monique Sandidge
Trainerwechsel in Corona-Zeiten
Juve Rechtsmarkt, June 2020
Saisonabbruch wäre der Worst Case
Interview with SID (Sport-Informations-Dienst), March 18, 2020
SID: Arbeitsrechtler Menke „Saisonabbruch wäre der Worst Case“
March 18, 2020
Bei Quarantäne springt der Staat ein
Kicker, March 16, 2020
Arbeitsrechtler: Kurzarbeit auch im Fußball möglich
Westdeutsche Zeitung, Marsch 16, 2020
Rechtzeitig Restrukturieren
Unternehmensjurist, 2/2020, p.24-27
Abpfiff für den Schiedsrichter
Weser Kurier, February 12, 2020
Bader-Gruppe: Grenzüberschreitende Konzerninsolvenz mit Wellensiek und Anchor
Juve Online,  January 10, 2020
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Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut e.V., November 27, 2024


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Juristische Fachseminare, webinar, November 20, 2023, together with Dr. Robin-Christian Steden
Arbeitsrechtliche Must-haves
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, May 2, 2023
Arbeitsrecht für Arbeitgeber
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, April 25 and 26, 2023,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow
Was Sie aktuell zum Sport(arbeits-)recht wissen sollten!
Juristische Fachseminare, webinar, March 22, 2023, together with Dr. Robin-Christian Steden


Arbeitsrecht für Arbeitgeber
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, December 13 and 14, 2022        ,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow
Update Sportecht - Schwerpunkt Spielertransfers
Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut e.V.: Seminar,  December 9, 2022
Arbeitsrechtliche Must-haves
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, November 23, 2022
Arbeitsrecht für Arbeitgeber
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, October 25 and 26, 2022,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow
Arbeitsrechtliche Must-haves
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, April 26, 2022
Arbeitsrecht für Führungskräfte für die Junge Fahrzeugbau
Inhouse-Webinar, April 21, 2022
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Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, March 30 and 31, 2022,
together with Dr. Arietta von Stechow
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Rheinmetall Group (Hamburg), December 14, 2021
Arbeitsrechtliche Must-haves - Von der Einstellung bis zur Kündigung
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, September 30, 2021, December 06, 2021 and April 26, 2022
Abseits des Rechts? – Arbeitsrecht im Profisport
Seminar of the Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU), Institut für Arbeits-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsrecht (ASW), under the direction of Prof. Dr. Clemens Höpfner, July, 26 and 27, 2021, Hamburg
Arbeitsrecht für Arbeitgeber
Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, November, 11 and 12, 2021, in Stuttgart
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Beck Akadamie Webinar/Seminar, May, 6 and 7, 2021
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Beck Akademie Webinar/Seminar, February, 25 and 26, 2021
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