
DATAGROUP AG takes over employees and customer relations of Vega Deutschland GmbH with Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Supported by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, DATAGROUP AG has taken over the employees and customer relations of software and consulting company Vega Deutschland GmbH by way of an asset deal. A team led by Dr. Rainer Herschlein, Partner at the commercial law firm's Stuttgart office, advised DATAGROUP on the transaction. The purchase price was not disclosed.

In the future, the activities in the previous shelf company DATAGROUP Vega GmbH will be conducted as a wholly owned subsidiary. In addition, DATAGROUP gains numerous specialists, activity fields, and customers through the transaction.

Pliezhausen-headquartered DATAGROUP AG is a leading German IT service company. More than 1,400 employees at 16 locations in Germany design, implement, and operate IT infrastructure and business applications, such as SAP. The company is a full service provider and provides support worldwide to over 330,000 IT workstations for medium-sized and large companies as well as for public-sector clients. Since the initial public offering, DATAGROUP has taken over 16 firms and integrated them into the group.

Vega Deutschland GmbH is a consulting, technology, and IT services company headquartered in Cologne. Previously, the IT service provider was part of technology group Finmeccanica, a leading European provider in aerospace, defense, and security.

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:

Dr. Rainer Herschlein, LL.M. (Lead),
Benedikt Raisch,
Sarah Dupont (all Corporate/M&A),
Dr. Dirk Koch (Tax), all Stuttgart
Astrid Wellhöner, LL.M. (Employment Law), Stuttgart and Munich

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