
Patent Experts visiting Düsseldorf – Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek holds International Patent Law Workshop

The first international workshop of patent lawyers, whose law firms are members of World Services Group (WSG), was held on October 6 and 7, 2011. The WSG Patent Law Workshop was organized and held at Düsseldorf by law firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek.

Experienced patent lawyers from 23 WSG firms, including the U.S., Hong Kong, South Korea, Chile, England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Russia are forming the "International WSG Patent Law Team" - the largest patent law team in the world.

Along with attending a court hearing at a patent dispute chamber of Regional Court of Düsseldorf, meetings were scheduled with each other and with company representatives. Thus, the workshop not only promoted the exchange of know-how but also allowed internationally active companies, without the need to travel abroad, to consult with a wide range of specialist lawyers from different countries on patent law issues in their respective home countries. This offer was gladly accepted and turned out to be a great success.

Anton Horn, patent lawyer at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek and initiator of the workshop, is aware of the particular strengths of the "WSG Patent Law Team": "The WSG Patent Law Team is represented virtually anywhere in the world and is working successfully in numerous cross-border patent litigation proceedings. The international expertise is continuously expanded through bilateral visits, the regular exchange of information on the WSG online platform and through internships of young patent lawyers at other WSG law firms." And: "In early 2013, all WSG patent lawyers will meet again," said Horn on future plans.


About WSG
WSG (World Services Group) is the world's largest association of lawyers, based in Texas/USA, with leading law firms at nearly 400 locations in over 100 countries. The WSG also covers countries in which even the largest international law firms do not have an office. Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek has been the German member of the association for many years.

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