
WirtschaftsWoche and brand eins: Heuking awarded twice

Business law firm Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek received awards from two magazines this week, with WirtschaftsWoche rating Heuking as a top law firm in “Employment Law” and “Corporate Law.”

In addition, brand eins magazine ranked the firm among the best commercial law firms in Germany in 14 legal fields. With above average frequency, Heuking was also recommended as a particularly innovative law firm.

Award by Wirtschaftswoche: “Top Law Firm for Employment Law and Corporate Law”

In its most recent issue, WirtschaftsWoche recognizes Heuking as “2023 Top Law Firm Employment Law” and “2023 Top Law Firm Corporate Law.” Employment lawyers Christoph Hexel and Bernd Weller are highlighted as top lawyers in employment law. Kristina Schneider, LL.M., and Dr. Martin Imhof are among the top lawyers in corporate law.

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek’s Employment Law Practice Group comprises more than 50 lawyers and employment law specialists who advise national and international businesses in all areas of employment law.

The Corporate/M&A Practice Group advises medium-sized and large companies on a wide variety of issues, ranging from corporate housekeeping to legal and tax advice on complex transactions in Germany and abroad.

To compile the ranking, Handelsblatt Research Institute surveyed more than 5,600 lawyers from 292 law firms about their most renowned peers in employment law and corporate law. The resulting list of lawyers was submitted to a jury of experts who compiled a final list. 50 law firms with 97 lawyers were recognized in employment law and 44 law firms with 71 lawyers in corporate law.

brand eins: Best business law firms in Germany 2023

In its current issue, brand eins awarded Heuking in 14 legal fields: Antitrust/Competition, Arbitration/Mediation, Banking, Capital Markets, Compliance, Corporate, Employment (for businesses), Healthcare/Pharmaceutical, Insolvency/Reorganization/Restructuring, Insurance (for businesses), Real Estate, Trade, Trademarks/Designs, and White Collar. Heuking received the highest possible score of 4 stars.

The list of the best business law firms in Germany 2023 is based on a Statista survey of lawyers, in-house counsel, and clients across 24 fields of law. Only those law firms that were recommended with above-average frequency in their respective legal field were awarded.

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