
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek is ranked as “top international law firm for India-related work” for the sixth time

For the sixth consecutive time the India Business Law Journal has recognized Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek as “top international law firm for India-related work”. The trade magazine quoted Indian and German clients in particular highlighting the legal expertise and intercultural competences of the team which significantly contributed to the clients’ success. India Business Law Journal’s “Intelligence Report” draws on an own research and a survey conducted among law firms and Indian companies. The Intelligence Report is published every summer and analyses the India-related achievements and activities of business law firms across the globe.
India is experiencing an economic boom. The subcontinent is forecasted to grow by around 7% this year, an expansion that is more dynamic than in other major economies. Ikea opens its first store in India, Walmart invests in the Indian online retailer Flipkart, Amazon invests another USD 5.5 billion to compete with Flipkart, and Samsung opens the world’s largest smartphone production plant. According to a major UK bank, India's economy might outpace Japan and Germany in the next decade, making it the world’s third largest economy right behind China and the U.S.
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek’s India Desk, headed by Dr. Martin Imhof, supports Indian clients investing in Germany and Europe and coordinates outbound work for German clients in India. “We have been operating in the Indian market, which has opened up vastly to foreign investors and offers them great opportunities, for several years now” said Imhof. “Recently introduced laws such as the new insolvency law and the implementation of the new arbitration act lead to greater legal certainty, which further enhances the attractiveness of the Indian market for foreign investors.“   

Further information is available here: India Desk and India Business Law Journal

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