
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advises Parcom Deutsche Private Equity on Acquisition of Majority Interest in EAB Elektroanlagenbau Group

Private equity fund Parcom I ("PDPE"), advised by DPE Deutsche Private Equity GmbH, acquired the majority interest in family-owned group EAB Elektroanlagenbau from the Eberlein family.

The EAB group comprises EAB Elektroanlagenbau GmbH Rhein/Main with branches at Neu-Isenburg/Zeppelinheim, Maintal-Dörnigheim and Darmstadt as well as Jena-headquartered D-I-E Elektro AG with branches in Hamburg, Berlin, Naumburg, Gera and Munich. The group offers a range of technical services, including building and industrial installations, security technology, building automation, energy management and consulting, communications technology, engineering services and operations management.

Munich-based PDPE is an investment firm specializing in long-term financing for the expansion of medium-sized businesses in German-speaking countries.

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek (Dr. Peter Christian Schmidt, Lead) provided legal advice to PDPE throughout the contract negotiations. As agreed between the parties, the purchase price of the transaction was not disclosed.

Counsel to Parcom Deutsche Private Equity

Dr. Peter Christian Schmidt (Lead),
Dr. Julius Wedemeyer (Corporate),
Dr. Kai Erhardt (Finance),
Dr. Frederik Wiemer (Merger Control).

All advisors are based at Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek's Hamburg office.

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