
CANCOM acquires UK-based Ocean Intelligent Communications assisted by Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

With Boris Dürr, M&A Partner at the Munich office, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised CANCOM SE on the acquisition of UK-based Ocean Intelligent Communications Ltd. The company’s founders and parts of management have taken out a minority interest in the new holding company so that CANCOM will end up holding 82.1% in Ocean. Since Ocean is a UK company, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek asked UK law firm Stevens & Bolton LLP to join in advising on the transaction.
Ocean Intelligent Communications Ltd is a provider of IT infrastructure and IT services with a focus on cloud services. In the future, Ocean will strengthen CANCOM’s international business with a global customer base and its comprehensive service portfolio. CANCOM intends to use synergies and cross-selling potential in existing markets with this transaction and to grow strategically in Europe.
CANCOM SE is a globally operating listed provider of IT infrastructure and IT services with consolidated sales of well over EUR 1 billion and almost 3,000 employees. The Munich-based company is a digital transformation partner accompanying businesses into the digital future. Its range of solutions includes consulting, implementation, and services.

 Counsel to CANCOM SE
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:

Boris Dürr (Lead, M&A),
Marcel Greubel, (Corporate/M&A),
Christian Schild, LL.M. (Corporate /M&A), all Munich

Stephens & Bolton LLP (UK):
Nick Atkins (M&A)
Jamie Crawford (Tax)
James Whistler (M&A)

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