
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised CHORUS on the acquisition of two wind farms

With a supra-local team led by the Frankfurt based partner Dr. Günther M. Bredow, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised CHORUS Group, Munich, on the acquisition of the two onshore wind farm projects Kemberg III and Sontra which are currently under construction from the listed Cuxhaven based wind farm developer PNE WIND AG.

The wind farm project Kemberg III is located near the city of Kemberg in the administrative district of Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany) and consists of four Nordex N117 wind turbines with an effective output of 2.4 megawatt each and a hub height of 141 meters. The wind farm project Sontra is located near the city of Sontra in the Werra-Meißner administrative district in Hesse (Germany) and consists of five wind turbines of the same type.

The acquisition of the wind farm projects has been effected via CHORUS Infrastructure Fund S.A. SICAF SIF, a stock company according to Luxembourg law, which is structured as investment company with variable capital in the form of a special investment fund according to the laws of 2007. The asset management of the special fund for institutional investors, which invests in renewable energy power plants, is conducted by the CHORUS Group which has initiated the fund.

Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek gave comprehensive legal advice to CHORUS with respect to the due diligence of the wind farm projects as well as the structuring, the negotiations and the implementation of the purchase contracts including amendments to the existing project contracts (project development contract, EPC contract, operation management contract, grid connection contract).

Advisor CHORUS:
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek

Dr. Günther M. Bredow (Project Leader),
Finn-Michael Liebscher,
Alexander J. Thum (all Corporate/M&A), Frankfurt,
Sonja Groht,
Marc Baltus,
Dr. Lars Wildhagen,
Dr. Hannah B. Gesing (all Energy Law), all Düsseldorf,
Dr. Christoph F. Wetzler,
Dr. Till Naruisch (both Real Estate Law), Frankfurt,
Dr. Markus Collisy,
Dr. Anne-Kathrin Wilts (both Public Law), both Frankfurt,
Dr. Tobias Plath (Insurance Law, Düsseldorf)
Klaus Weinand-Härer (Tax Law, Frankfurt)

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