
Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advises management buy-in at EBG compleo GmbH

With a team led by Dr. Oliver Böttcher from its Cologne office, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek advised Fontus Invest GmbH and part of its management on the acquisition of an equity interest in EBG compleo GmbH.
EBG compleo GmbH is a leading provider of charging stations for electric vehicles. Since developing and selling the first charging station under the EBG compleo name ten years ago, the company has experienced rapid growth. In the meantime, the Dortmund-based company, which has already realized more than 20,000 charging points for customers including Deutsche Post DHL Group, VW, Telekom, Siemens, Waydo, and Allego, employs more than 130 people. Always at the forefront is General Manager Checrallah Kachouh, who now also invested in the company himself and will become a shareholder. The existing management team of Checrallah Kachouh and Caroline Hagby will be reinforced by Georg Griesemann and Jens Stolze, who invested in the company through Fontus Invest GmbH and will also join the management team operationally from December 2019. At the same time, EBG compleo GmbH will change its name and rebrand to Compleo Charging Solutions GmbH, using the well-known “Compleo” brand on the market.
The Heuking team advised the buyer comprehensively, ranging from structuring the transaction, due diligence, and contract documentation, to closing.

 Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek:
Dr. Oliver Böttcher (Lead),
Kristina Schneider, LL.M.,
Laura Rilinger (all Corporate/M&A)
Dr. Thorsten Leisbrock (Employment)
Dominik Eickemeier (IP), all Cologne
Fabian G. Gaffron (Tax), Hamburg

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